Policies & Rules

III Capital Plans


This section addresses the factors that are analyzed for capital plan submittal.

V New Construction


This section addresses the steps between capital plan approval and construction.

Arizona Revised Statutes Governing the SFOB

SFB Rules

The statutes that govern the School Facilities Oversight Board are in Title 41-STATE GOVERNMENT, Chapter 56-SCHOOL CAPITAL FINANCE. These begin at A.R.S. §41-5701 through A.R.S. §41-5832.

SFOB and the School Facilities Division Regulatory Agenda

SFB Rules
Rules of the SCHOOL FACILITIES OVERSIGHT BOARD and DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF SCHOOL FACILITIES are at A.A.C. 7. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1021.02(D), the Division may conduct a rulemaking even if the rulemaking is not included on the annual regulatory agenda.