Rubber Flooring Project

The School Facilities Divison (SFD) is working to identify schools with urethane rubberized flooring in gymnasiums, multi-purpose rooms, cafeterias and possibly classrooms. The presence of this flooring material does not automatically present a concern.  However, out of an abundance of caution, the SFD has teamed up with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to address health and environmental concerns, develop testing protocols, evaluate the data, and implement any necessary remediation measures.

The SFD is moving swiftly to identify those schools with urethane rubberized flooring.  We surveyed all Arizona school districts and will use information from the survey to identify those schools with urethane rubberized flooring, create a centralized inventory, proceed with a testing plan, and conduct any necessary corrective action.  More information on the Arizona Rubber Flooring Project, please visit the website: