XXI End of Useful Life Assessment Policy
This section addresses the process for a school district to apply for an End of Useful Life Assessment.
XX District MAG 5 Year Assessments and Inspections
This section addresses District Minimum Adequacy Guidelines (MAG) 5 Year Assessments and inspections.
IX Building Renewal Grant Fund: Procurement Decision Matrix -REPEALED 5/4/22
This section addresses the eligibility and application process for the Building Renewal Grant fund.
REPEALED 5/4/2022
VIII Building Renewal Policy - REPEALED 2/5/14
With the repeal of A.R.S. §15-2031 Building Renewal, the Board has repealed Policy VIII. Building Renewal.
V New Construction
This section addresses the steps between capital plan approval and construction.
IV Land Acquisition
This policy addresses the land acquisition process
This section addresses repair vs. replacement decisions regarding HVAC systems.
XVII New Construction Moratorium Policy Statement
This section addresses reimbursement for a new school facility project during the FY 2008 new construction moratorium.
XVI Separation of Professional Assessment Services Policy
This section addresses vendor eligibility to provide Professional Assessment Services.
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