August 3, 2022 Board Meeting
This month’s meeting of the School Facilities Oversight Board will be held in-person at the location shown below. The public is also invited to attend in-person or by phone using the phone number and PIN shown below.
To attend in-person, please join us:
August 3, 2022 at 1:00 P.M.
Eastmark High School
9560 E. Ray Road
Mesa, Arizona 85212
Enter thru school lobby
The following option is also available for public attendance.
Join by phone:
(US) +1 609-726-6864 PIN: 138 485#
Immediately following the Board meeting, Board members and staff will conduct a Study Session. A separate agenda for the Study Session will be posted. The Study Session is for Board Member discussion only and is closed to public comment. The public may attend and observe.