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Roofing Performance Specifications Policy

Roofing Performance Specifications Policy

School Facilities Board

On December 11, 2019, the School Facilities Board adopted the Roofing Performance Specifications Policy and the Roofing Performance Specifications. These Performance Specifications shall be used on all SFB-funded Building Renewal Grant, Emergency Deficiencies Correction, and New School Facilities projects. The SFB recommends that school districts use these Performance Specifications on their locally-funded projects as applicable.

Document Title: 

XI. Performance Specifications Policy

Flow Chart for Using Roofing Specifications

07 30 00-Roofing General Specification

07 31 13

School Safety Recommendations


Based upon comments received from the SFB's Board and the public, a literature search, and design references such as CPTED, the SFB recommends that these safety features be considered as an element of any school design.