SFOB Notice of Proposed Regular Rulemaking and Notice of Rule Docket Opening

Notice of Proposed Regular Rulemaking
2021 SFB Notice of Rule Docket Opening
2021 SFB Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Summary
Today, the School Facilities Board staff have filed a Notice of Proposed Regular Rulemaking and Notice of Rule Docket Opening. Staff has proposed a series of recommendations to bring the current rules up to the current facility standards.
Additionally, staff has planned a series of stakeholder meetings over the next month to review the rules, receive public comment and additional recommendations. Three meetings will be held to review rule recommendations and additional changes from stakeholders. A final meeting that will be the official close of the rulemaking record, which is in addition to the previous meetings, will be held on November 8 at 10:00am. These meetings will be held virtually to allow for additional stakeholders to participate. Below is the schedule and meeting information for these stakeholder meetings:
September 22, 10:00am - Kick-off rule making stakeholder meeting
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/pvk-gtrx-gnv
Join by phone: (US) +1 575-425-0858 PIN: 751 285 191#
- Present staff recommendations
- Review articles 1 (definitions) and 2 (Minimum School Facility Adequacy Guidelines)
September 29, 10:00am - Second stakeholder rulemaking review
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/gnf-tiex-gxh
Join by phone: (US) +1 662-674-1212 PIN: 833 880 920#
- Finalize Review and discussion on article 2 (Minimum School Facility Adequacy Guidelines)
- Review article 3 (Square footage Calculations), 5 (Land and New Construction) and 6 (Contingency Funding)
October 6, 10:00am - Complete stakeholder recommendations and review
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/sym-ofjp-its
Join by phone: (US) +1 347-566-5571 PIN: 366 639 325#
- Complete any remaining discussion or recommendations
- Review final comments and edits
November 8, 10:00am - Final oral comments for stakeholders
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/omv-wnrf-uib
Join by phone: (US) +1 609-726-6864 PIN: 138 485#
Please send your written comments via THIS LINK.