
Please join us on June 28, 2022 at 10 a.m. for oral proceedings to close the rulemaking record amending the Minimum Adequacy Guidelines A.A.C. R-7-6-101 through R-7-6-601.

The School Facilities Board staff filed a Notice of Proposed Regular Rulemaking and Notice of Rule Docket Opening.
The School Facilities Oversight Board is currently receiving public comments on the proposed updates to the SFB policies. 

Rules of the  SCHOOL FACILITIES OVERSIGHT BOARD and DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF SCHOOL FACILITIES are at  A.A.C. 7. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1021.02(D), the Division may conduct a


National Fire Prevention Week is observed each year during the week of October 9th in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire. Please see the linked letter and resources from Arizona’s State Fire


Please see the following new resources for the Building Renewal Grant (BRG) program, relevant to Fiscal Year 2025. 


Building Utilization FAQ

The School Facilities Division has created a new resource for school districts with frequently asked questions on building utilization, including the topics of: retirement

The School Facilities Division issues an advisement regarding V- Track sliding gates.
School districts with approved projects for roofing and weatherization construction projects should have received notification through the School Facilities Portal.